Can-SOLVE CKD is a pan-Canadian patient-oriented kidney research network.

In partnership with patients, researchers, health care providers, and policy-makers, we are working to transform treatment and care for Canadians living with or at risk for chronic kidney disease.

Our vision

Every Canadian with or at high risk for chronic kidney disease will receive the best recommended care, experience optimal outcomes, and have the opportunity to participate in studies with novel therapies, regardless of age, sex, gender, location, or ethnicity.

People first

Patient Governance Circle and Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council guide all Can-SOLVE CKD activities to ensure they address and respect the unique needs and perspectives of patients, including Indigenous peoples. Research questions are based on key issues identified by patients over three years of priority-setting discussions.

Patient-oriented research

The Can-SOLVE CKD Network aims to overcome the challenges preventing the uptake of research evidence into practice. More than 120 researchers across Canada will take part in 18 patient-centered research projects spanning basic science, clinical and population health research.

These projects are organized around three major themes: identifying CKD in high-risk populations; testing new therapies in those with progressive CKD; and determining how best to deliver innovative patient-centered clinical care, ensuring the right patient receives the right treatment at the right time.

Can-SOLVE CKD is one of five chronic disease networks funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research through the Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research. Funding is also provided by more than 30 partners, including provincial kidney care agencies, universities, industry, and private donors.