Our monthly update keeps you informed on our network projects and initiatives! Below are a few highlights. Make sure to check out the latest issue below.

Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples’ Day

June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21 was National Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a time to honour the history, heritage, and diversity of Indigenous peoples.

Can-SOLVE CKD Network is proud to launch the latest issue of The Kidney Quarterly on June 21. In this issue, we highlight Can-SOLVE CKD’s commitment to working with Indigenous patient partners, Knowledge Keepers, and community leaders to ensure Indigenous knowledge and perspectives are reflected across our research projects and governance.

Webinar highlights Can-SOLVE CKD Indigenous initiatives

June is National Indigenous History Month and the Indigenous Peoples’ Engagement and Research Council (IPERC) hosted a webinar “All My Relations: IPERC and Learning Pathway Information Sharing” on June 17.  Attendees learned about IPERC and explored the Wabishki Bizhiko Skaanj Learning Pathway. The webinar served to amplify the Indigenous knowledge and perspectives which are reflected across the Can-SOLVE CKD Network.

BC Kidney Check resumes in Indigenous communities

After a pause in screening due to COVID restrictions, the Can-SOLVE CKD Network Kidney Check screening program in BC has now resumed. Kidney Check is bringing kidney, diabetes and blood pressure checks to rural and remote Indigenous Communities across Canada.

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