The Can-SOLVE CKD Network is looking to fill 3 available spots on the Network’s Patient Governance Circle (PGC). Joining the Can-SOLVE CKD Patient Governance Circle is an excellent opportunity for those living with kidney disease or their family/caregivers to get involved in the Canadian kidney research community. 

About the Patient Governance Circle:
The PGC is an agile decision-making body reflecting the significant breadth of expertise among Can-SOLVE CKD patient partners. It is composed patients affected by a broad range of medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, polycystic kidney disease) as well as family caregivers and kidney donors. The PGC meets on a quarterly basis to provide guidance and oversight on all aspects of the National Patient Network (NPN) and Can-SOLVE CKD, from setting priorities to supporting patient engagement in the collection and communication of research evidence in a continued effort to promote health equity for all.


If you would like more information about the Patient Governance Circle, please contact Linnea Franson, Patient Partnerships and Training Manager

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